Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Typing inuries

Repetitive strain injury:
this is a disorder you get by doing a task over and over again. Who ever does a task a ton of times is at risk of getting RSI's. Carpal tunnel is the most famous RSI. To prevent this could be to change around your work area and stop over working your hands and wrist. Also taught to learn proper posture for tools and machines.

Typing Injures

Carpal tunnel syndrome:
This is a condition where your hand will get extreme pain and numbness. This happens due to poor posture. The median nerve gets pressure and passes through a tunnel formed by bones and ligaments. This causes pain and numbness in all the fingers except the pinkie finger. Some are awakened because of the pain. Many people drop objects because it strains their hands. To fix it the doctors apply a splint to your hand.

Friday, October 16, 2009

what really is a blog?

A blog is a type of website that users can tell there followers what they are doing and alert them of upcoming events.